Simion Kronenfeld
Who really is Simion Kronenfeld and what makes him unique?
Simion Kronenfeld is a man of great discipline and stature, which can be seen when breaking down his history. At the mere age of 15, Kronenfeld moved from Israel to Canada, where he started off as a dishwasher. After only 2 years of living in a new country, he started his own construction company, which was the first step to becoming a real estate success as we know of him today. In 1999, Kronenfeld founded Electronic Liquidators Inc., which resold used electronics and was a key player in the industry. After making significant profits from the business, Simion sold the company in 2007, and took a deep dive into the world of real estate. Fast forward today, Kronenfeld is a strongly respected expert in the space of real estate development, helping re-shape its future.

Semion Kronenfeld is a visionary – his ability to see the future of land results in his achievements in the real estate world, and what allows him to be the successful CEO of AJGL Group. This can be seen in some of his recent and continuous plans for development on the outskirts of Ontario such as Innisfil, Lindsay, and Cambridge to name a few. It’s his vision for the potential future growth of land that drives his projects, and his passion for land development fuels his ability to make it happen. Some notable projects that showcase this include the redevelopment in Innisfil where he is planning to build the first residential condo, along with a bistro right by the beach. The site plan is approved for an 8 storey, 93 residential units building with a commercial component. The ground floor consists of multiple commercial units fronting Innisfil Beach Road. Another one of his projects is a subject site that is part of a 3 phase development project. The future development land is 36.78 acres and is intended to be developed with a commercial block, 168 apartment units, 124 stacked townhouses, 79 townhouses, 36 single lots, and a marina. While Simion Kronenfeld has reaped a lot of success off of Toronto’s hot market, these few examples go to show he is both a visionary and as a byproduct, a risk-taker, but as the saying goes, no risk, no reward.
When asked about matters beyond the business world, it comes with little surprise that spending quality time with family and friends comes at the forefront. Simion Kronenfeld has 4 kids who are all on great trajectories, and making time for them among his busy schedule is of utmost importance. He emphasizes education, as these are the building blocks for life, and beyond ensuring that each of his children had the privilege of getting an education, Simion Kronenfeld has helped build Bayview Glen School. He likes his family close to him, which is why his eldest son works alongside him, and Simion has hopes for his youngest to follow suit. Simion Kronenfeld is a private man, and some of his generous contributions have also been private. A close source mentioned that some of the things Kronenfeld values is giving back and building community, which is evident since he is one of the top supporters of the Yorkville Jewish Centre, Jewish Russian Community Centre, and Kavkazi Community Centre. “These are his roots, and the importance of keeping together, strengthening the community and helping out wherever he can is very important to him,” a close friend tells us. Beyond just the community, Kronenfeld is a donor to Toronto hospitals, including but not limited to Humber River Hospital, Mount Sinai, and Sick Children.
So who really is Simion Kronenfeld?
While everyone might have a different depiction of who he is, a fair assumption would be a man of passion and intensity, which in itself is a double-edged sword. The intensity can sometimes be held against him, and while in some respects it may have gotten him into trouble, it’s also what allows him to be the success he is today. It has allowed him to give back to the community and have others learn from his experiences – the good and bad. With an emphasis on focus and attention to get the job done, Simion Kronenfeld is the epitome of hard work, which is seen from his early years. His stubbornness to commit entirely to whatever he chooses is what makes Simion stand apart.